Muscatt Walker Hayim, Speen House, Porter Street, London, W1U 6WH

Complaint Policy

  1. Our Policy
    You have the right to lodge a complaint with us.
    We will not charge you for the time spent on handling your complaint.
    Additionally, you may request a copy of our Complaint Procedure at any time.
    • On instruction of our Firm
    • When you raise a complaint
    We shall aim to deal with any complaint that we may receive promptly, fairly, openly, and effectively.

  2. Making a Complaint

    We strive to provide you with the best service possible. However, if you are ever unhappy or concerned about the service we provide, please inform us immediately so that we can address the issue.

    Initially, we suggest that you contact the individual working on your case to discuss your concerns, and we will make every effort to resolve the issue at that stage. If you are uncomfortable discussing your concerns with them, please contact the person responsible for supervising your matter, whose name is stated in the client care letter that we sent you at the beginning of your case.

    If you are still dissatisfied with the response or if you feel unable to raise your concerns with the fee earner or their supervisor, you may escalate the matter to the Firm’s Complaints Manager, Simon Borletti, by emailing

    Making a complaint will not affect how we handle your case.

    If you require any help in making your complaint, we will try to help you.

  3. Handling and Resolving a Complaint
    We will write to you within [three] working days acknowledging your complaint, enclosing a
    copy of this policy.
    We will investigate your complaint. This will usually involve:
    • Reviewing your file(s) and other relevant documents.
    • Liaising with the person who dealt with your matter.
    • Review$ing your complaint.

    We may need to request further information or documentation from you. If this is necessary, we will specify a deadline by which you should provide us with the required information. We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint at appropriate intervals. We will provide you with a written outcome once we have completed our investigation into your complaint. This will outline the actions we have taken or propose to take to address your concerns.

    Our objective is to resolve all complaints within eight weeks from the date they are received.

    The Legal Ombudsman provides an independent examination of complaints related to the Legal services we provide. This service is available to several categories of complainants, including individuals, micro-enterprises (as defined by the European Union), charities with an annual net income of less than £1 million, clubs/associations/organizations managed by its members, trustees of trusts with an asset value of less than £1 million, and personal representatives or beneficiaries of the estate of a deceased person who had not previously referred the complaint to the Legal Ombudsman.

    It is important to note that the involvement of the Legal Ombudsman will not affect how we handle your case. Furthermore, their service is free of charge. However, before the Legal Ombudsman can investigate your complaint, they require that you attempt to resolve the issue with us first.

    If you choose to involve the Legal Ombudsman, there are specific time limits to bear in mind. You must submit your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman within one year from the date of the act or omission that caused concern, or within one year from the date you became aware of the issue. In addition, you must inform the Legal Ombudsman of your concerns within six months of receiving our final response.

    For more information on the Legal Ombudsman, please contact them using the following
    Address: 4 Lothian Street, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1DS

In every case that we handle, we are committed to the very highest levels of client care